Family Photos in Shawnee, Kansas Park

This precious family reminds me so much of our own  years ago. While life was so chaotic when they were little, I wouldn't trade it for the world. (I do wish I'd kept a journal, though!)


"The days are young, but the years are short."


What advice do I have for mothers in this stage of life?

  • Give yourself grace.
  • Keep a journal, seriously! Even if it's just writing a sentence a day in your calendar, planner or notebook.
  • Download the "1 Second a Day" app or something similar.
  • Take lots of photos, and be sure YOU are in some of them!
  • Keep regular date nights with your husband, whether once a month, week or quarter. If your budget doesn't allow, then trade babysitting with friends and just have a dinner at home with no kids or distractions. 
  • Above everything else, spend time in God's Word and in church with a community of believers. This summer, look for area churches offering Vacation Bible School, backyard Bible clubs and other activities. If you don't have a church home, I'd love for you to try mine!



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